Then (1963)


51 Pelham Street
Milford, CT 06460
(203) 874-6677

Now (2008)


Occupation Various Insurance Positions (retired)
Substitute Teacher Middle School (grades 6-8) and High School
Schools/military University of Connecticut and Hartford Graduate Center
Hobbies/leisure Sailing, walking, gardening, tap dancing
Children/grandchildren None (Nieces/Nephew-Kate, Jennifer and Chad Buckley Grandnephew/Grandnieces-Tyus Buckley and Lena and Echo De Jong)
Travel Islands, Bermuda, Germany, Italy
Favorite teacher Miss Morse
Favorite subject Math
Email address
Website None
Favorite PHS Memory Band, games, dances, band trips, many good friends
Other data I gave up my Insurance career about 4 years ago. I got tired of my 120-mile a day commute and needed some time off after 35 years. So, I took a year off and then started substitute teaching, which I really enjoy.

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